The last one! I a little bit sad, I can find a reason to lie about how I feel. I can even imagen how two years can run so so fast. It's time to explain my experience and my feelings along with the curse. Almost about the theory part. As I said in other entries, I have a hard past or history. I remember the day saw that I was in the FP. Of course, I didn't know what things will mark my life from that day to nowadays. Given that I came from the "ESO" Secondary Obligatory Education (in Spain is the lowest title) and after two and a half years of no books, you can have an idea that obviously, I wasn't conscient where I was getting into my feet. In a first contact, was something very "cold", people over my age, serious, or almost at the beginning, the teachers are called INSTRUCTORS, the subjects are from very different things and some are very hard... Alvaro are you sure to start this adventure? That was one of my questions and... let's think. Why not? The first course was really really hard and important to me. Hard because it was to difficult to adapt my self to this kind of study. Actually, I didn't be adapted until the lasts two or three months. Yes, I needed more or less the entire curse hahaha. But apart from the jokes, in a specific moment I decided to surrender, yes it's true. Why ? cause, I needed 5 subjects to pass the first one. Yes as you read, of the 9 subjects of the year, I failed the first 5, was in the 6 one when I said okay, I'm studying about 4 or 5 hours per day and I still failing. Alvaro, it's possible that you are not able or you don't have the qualities of this kind of formation, but, in that exam, I passed. I passed the easiest one yes hahaha but it was enough to feel a "shot" of positivity and power and try it again with a new mentality. That desition, trust as no one in my self, was the best idea that I have in all my life. That moment I understood that the only real or existing limit, was that one created by me. After that moment I started a new way of study and a new way to talk to my self and act in front of this formation. Since then, I never failed an exam again. Now arriving the moment to go to the practices in the hangar, I look back smiling cause not yet but in a few days, I will succeed. And I will succeed in passing everything in the two years I hope. That was the dream one day I had. That was the, as I said many times, "the impossible thing to achieve". I am so glad to know the incredible opportunity that this formation is giving me. A future that I even supposed that I could have and achieve. Trust me if you love airplanes as me, if you aren't sure about it, if you think that it's impossible, just try it, you won't be disappointed!
Nice to meet you! Come on and follow me in my steps to one day be a technician in aircraft maintenence. Trust me, you will love it as much as I.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Aeromechanical Maintenance Guide!
Just one question: How many of you thought about becoming an aircraft engineer?
Well, today I want to explain to you as simply as possible how this license and at the same time the professional formation works.
Before starting the cycle you will have a meeting with some of the instructors. There you will now some info related to the next two years (duration of the PF) and some idea of what are you going to do. Besides the first official day that is done in Globalia Formation, they will bomb you with a lot of info sometimes difficult to understand and memorize but, it doesn't matter I think it's to scare a little bit. You must know that for both years you will have to pay attention and respond in case, to two parts or "schools". The first one, for example, is Son Pacs. Here you will spend just one day per week. The first year on Monday and the second year on Friday. In both courses, you will have an English subject. In the first one also are part of module 5 and part of the 6 and in the second year are RET, FOL and module 6 in addition of course to English. The biggest part of the time you will be in Globalia Formation as part of the EASA 147 approved center, is based in the Son Noguera industrial state. Here the classes start at 07:30am till 15:15. Here is where you will lose your good healthy hahaha. The program of Globalia for the first year is like this: the first 3 hours are for the workshop and then 4 hours to theory part. Profit the first year with the workshop instructor Vicente cause in the second course you will miss him, for sure. Then the second course is otherwise. the first 4 hours to theory and then 3 of the workshop. In addition, is interesting to know that you will do some visit to the hangar also to the pilot's simulators and to SR Technics. For what corresponds to pass from the first course to the second one, pay attention, try always to pass the exams as earlier as possible. Yes is the typical sentence but you will realize that is more important and advantageous that in other studies for example. Just because you can have at the same time two exams of different subjects and both are a total of 600 or 1000 or 2000 and more pages. And trust me, that's not funny. I would like to mention that one no established or standard or thing didn't say what you will learn a lot of too many subjects that are going to help you to open your mind or for your day a day or whatever. Pay always attention to the hours of each module to have a record of the margin that you have to be able to do the exams. Finally comes the FCT (work in a formation center). I would like to explain how it works but I didn't start them. What I can say is that you need to pass all the modules to go there.
And in this way is how I tried to give you a general vision of what is the course that I'm pretending to finish. As you know, I'm here for you for any doubt or trick that you need. See you!
Well, today I want to explain to you as simply as possible how this license and at the same time the professional formation works.
Before starting the cycle you will have a meeting with some of the instructors. There you will now some info related to the next two years (duration of the PF) and some idea of what are you going to do. Besides the first official day that is done in Globalia Formation, they will bomb you with a lot of info sometimes difficult to understand and memorize but, it doesn't matter I think it's to scare a little bit. You must know that for both years you will have to pay attention and respond in case, to two parts or "schools". The first one, for example, is Son Pacs. Here you will spend just one day per week. The first year on Monday and the second year on Friday. In both courses, you will have an English subject. In the first one also are part of module 5 and part of the 6 and in the second year are RET, FOL and module 6 in addition of course to English. The biggest part of the time you will be in Globalia Formation as part of the EASA 147 approved center, is based in the Son Noguera industrial state. Here the classes start at 07:30am till 15:15. Here is where you will lose your good healthy hahaha. The program of Globalia for the first year is like this: the first 3 hours are for the workshop and then 4 hours to theory part. Profit the first year with the workshop instructor Vicente cause in the second course you will miss him, for sure. Then the second course is otherwise. the first 4 hours to theory and then 3 of the workshop. In addition, is interesting to know that you will do some visit to the hangar also to the pilot's simulators and to SR Technics. For what corresponds to pass from the first course to the second one, pay attention, try always to pass the exams as earlier as possible. Yes is the typical sentence but you will realize that is more important and advantageous that in other studies for example. Just because you can have at the same time two exams of different subjects and both are a total of 600 or 1000 or 2000 and more pages. And trust me, that's not funny. I would like to mention that one no established or standard or thing didn't say what you will learn a lot of too many subjects that are going to help you to open your mind or for your day a day or whatever. Pay always attention to the hours of each module to have a record of the margin that you have to be able to do the exams. Finally comes the FCT (work in a formation center). I would like to explain how it works but I didn't start them. What I can say is that you need to pass all the modules to go there.
And in this way is how I tried to give you a general vision of what is the course that I'm pretending to finish. As you know, I'm here for you for any doubt or trick that you need. See you!

a friend that is a B2 mechanic. He was very kind and explains to us a lot of things about the rules there and of the work that he was involved at that moment.
We saw live what is a B2 work and
having into account that I want to have that license, I profit a lot to hear them. After the visit,
we could move the airplane near a barrier where
late will come crane to lift the airplane and let
it in a truck. Finally, I could have some photos with an A330. I'm in love with this model cause I found it very simple in shape but very pretty. In addition, I had the pleasure in the past to make the dispatch of them so I have to it a special love. So one question: Do you think I fulfilled with the photos? I will be very glad to know it. See you next!
So sad...
You know that I'm always trying to have fun and trying to make you laugh but today I'm going to tell you about the physics exam that happened to me. Last week was the exam. I was fully ready to recover the last exam of the first course. Said in another way. The physics exam was the last to be clean of non passed exams but... As always in my life, it must be something to disturb my steps and hard work. Today I continue not knowing what happened but let start the explanation. the 21th was the day of the exam, as always there's a list of the people that goes to the exam. if you aren't on that list it means that you can't do the exam and as you can imagine I wasn't. why? nice question. I remember the feeling when it was supposedly my turn and the instructor jumped my name. Instantaneously I knew that something was wrong so really fast I went to my phone searching the confirmation list that the center sends us one week before to confirm the request to the exam. So I discover that I didn't have and I ran to management to ask for the reason. They were so kind as to try to find my request but it didn't appear. It's really really strange cause was the first time that I had a problem with them. They work really good workers and are very attentive. But the problem was there. They asked me to think if I present the request and as I said, I'm a little bit clueless but, this exam was quite important for me cause it was going to be my last exam to recover and of course beeing that kind of exam, I was not going to forget to request it. Either one way or another the result was that I couldn't do it. Trust me, I'd studied as always, I was fully ready to pass it and in just a second the world was falling over me. Fortunately, I have a really strong mind and that's where I support my day a day. I consider my self really resilient so it doesn't matter, the next time a will pass, for sure. In another way, this week we did a workshop practice in the cabin simulator. The practice was very simple and nothing special but, just the fact to be there making something in an "airplane" was very entertaining and of course, have fun. The practice was to check for the backrest of all the setas checking for any damaged part and in fact, was a lot hahaha. Lets see if we are going to do something more there. Finally, excuse me for the no pictured post but the next week I will bring you a very special one. Have a nice weekend!
The famous up hill!
I know you're impressed. Yes, they are books. O my good hahaha. Sorry about my heaviness telling you how much I'm studying but I don't do anything more hahaha. Before starting with the blog, let me tell you really good news. I PASSED THE AERODYNAMIC EXAM! Nowadays I'm very glad about my constancy and dedication cause all the hours spent in the library and in house and over there are giving me the best of the feedback that I could imagine. Making memory, I think when I started after three years of no study and coming with the lowest of the academics levels and now I recovered almost all the past course and the first exam of this. That makes me feel so so happy and accomplished. Break my "limits" had taught me a lot. Continuing with the blog now I'm ready for another exam to recover " PHYSICS". This exam gives me the prowess and a lot. I'm in love with this subject cause I find it very attractive but, having to study it for these exams demoralizes me a lot. Even so, I'm going to pass it like the rest. I feel very qualified and ready to destroy one more exam hahaha. In the workshop this week with Moad and Jovanny, two of my partners, we must do a wiring diagram. Seriously, it got me involved as I never imagined. Was very interesting to learn a simple system to give the basic electric/electronic equipment and know how it works perfectly. Another thing that made my day was to work with Moad. In the past course, I had a problem with him and... Trust me I wanted to lose sight of him for the rest but, as a surprise for me, we worked really good together and even making jokes and little pranks. We didn't talk in the full year and just in one practice, everything ran as two persons having a good relationship. The day of today I continue realizing the situation hahaha. Let me know some curious things that you passed recently down in the commentary box. Have fun!!
Ou ou ou! It was Christmas! Did you have good behavior? I hope so cause if not I'm not going to gift you hahaha. Today I want to tell you my opinion about this part of the year. Actually, I don't like it. Since two or three years ago I lost missed the delusion. How? Why? please don't ask cause I'm not sure about it. But it's pure reality. One more time I must be in a table with part of my family that I don't know anything for the rest of the year, but, cause it's Christmas I obliged to have a very big smile and make a false role. Trust me I'm a very sincere person. As we say in Spanish, I am seeing coming. it means that I don't do the move of the snake or something like that. So much so that it, makes me feel uncomfortable. But I had the luck this year and I could pass the new year's eve with my "sister". It was a very nice experience to pass this night with friends having a lot of fun.

And it's more, I passed the night with four women. Me the only men and I could learn a lot about women's meetings hahaha. Apart from just having fun, I must work like all the year. I work in a disco. And it's quite remarkable the level os consumption of money and alcohol. I realize that people adopt an attitude that works like a blindfold. everyone is happy even you saw it sad the day before. the people act as the didn't have any problem or any bad situation. It is like the flash that Will Smith uses in the Men in Black film. Of course, this behavior comes accompanied with a falsehood that, with the earlier reason, makes of the Christmas an undesirable time for me. Even so, of course, I had fun and I enjoyed the time with my close family. It is always a pleasure to pass time with them. So, once again I'm finished. Thanks one more time to be hear sharing time with me and hope to still see you!

And it's more, I passed the night with four women. Me the only men and I could learn a lot about women's meetings hahaha. Apart from just having fun, I must work like all the year. I work in a disco. And it's quite remarkable the level os consumption of money and alcohol. I realize that people adopt an attitude that works like a blindfold. everyone is happy even you saw it sad the day before. the people act as the didn't have any problem or any bad situation. It is like the flash that Will Smith uses in the Men in Black film. Of course, this behavior comes accompanied with a falsehood that, with the earlier reason, makes of the Christmas an undesirable time for me. Even so, of course, I had fun and I enjoyed the time with my close family. It is always a pleasure to pass time with them. So, once again I'm finished. Thanks one more time to be hear sharing time with me and hope to still see you!
Thursday, January 23, 2020
One more time...ummmm mmm!! Yes as the song hahaha. Today is a little bit different. Today I come with my new company Gold Air Wrench. On the left-hand side you can see the logo of the company and then comes a little explanation.
GoldAirWrench is a company fully dedicated to three services: Personal maintenance manual and program for your jet and adapted to your day a day, the second service is for MODs and finally, we have our insurance carrier or urgency aids. Why just three services?
We consider that to be the best in any aspect you can not encompass too many different services. And as our intention, be fitted in just three helps us to be the best doing what we do. Check out our page! Any kind of doubts will be resolved there as much info that we have. Also our profiles on the internet and many ways to get in touch!
Remember GoldAirWrench.
Check also our page in the app WIX, which could be better and clear for you.
GoldAirWrench is a company fully dedicated to three services: Personal maintenance manual and program for your jet and adapted to your day a day, the second service is for MODs and finally, we have our insurance carrier or urgency aids. Why just three services?
We consider that to be the best in any aspect you can not encompass too many different services. And as our intention, be fitted in just three helps us to be the best doing what we do. Check out our page! Any kind of doubts will be resolved there as much info that we have. Also our profiles on the internet and many ways to get in touch!
Remember GoldAirWrench.
Check also our page in the app WIX, which could be better and clear for you.
The last of the year!
Hello? Heeeello? There's anyone over there? Yes, am I, Alvaro, incredible but yes I still alife hahaha. Finally, I'm preparing my self for the last exam of the year, yes just of the year. I'm so excited cause everything that I wondered seems like it's going to happen. It means that I wish I could pass all the exams and nowadays I have the good feeling. Will I get it? At the moment keep calm. The exam of Aerodynamics is the next week and at the moment and as I said the earlier post I'm preparing my self for all the surprises that this exam can have. By the way, it is true that I'm quiet, I know how and for what I'm ready.
In class we've got the new instructor, he is Ivan, let's talk a little bit about him:
Ivan as the rest of the instructors comes from work with the airplanes and as he said, many years in this world endorse us that he has a lot of knowledge. And so it is. In addition as a person is a ten. It means that I haven't any kind of problem or misunderstanding with him. Giving us class is very enjoyable and one thing I like about him as of the others is that he always has an anecdote. That's nice!
By last at the workshop, we did the practice of the boots. The boots are one system to remove the ice formed in the leading edge of the wings, the horizontal stabilizer, and the rudder. Acted by means of air or pneumatic it's a very very simple system and of course effective. We must check for the good action of the boots and we ensure it. One thing I realized along all the practices done, it's that after more or less 30 years of a fully stopped Turbocommander, many components still working! That impresses me a lot, it's very easy to see when something is very well constructed.
Finally, I bring you a photo of my bedroom. Actually is one of the places where I don't spend too much time. I think just for sleep hahaha.
The idea of the discos was of my stepmother, she's so creative and has a really good eye for these things. After this: What's going to pass with all the marks that I'm waiting for? Wait for me for the ext week bye-bye.
In class we've got the new instructor, he is Ivan, let's talk a little bit about him:
Ivan as the rest of the instructors comes from work with the airplanes and as he said, many years in this world endorse us that he has a lot of knowledge. And so it is. In addition as a person is a ten. It means that I haven't any kind of problem or misunderstanding with him. Giving us class is very enjoyable and one thing I like about him as of the others is that he always has an anecdote. That's nice!
By last at the workshop, we did the practice of the boots. The boots are one system to remove the ice formed in the leading edge of the wings, the horizontal stabilizer, and the rudder. Acted by means of air or pneumatic it's a very very simple system and of course effective. We must check for the good action of the boots and we ensure it. One thing I realized along all the practices done, it's that after more or less 30 years of a fully stopped Turbocommander, many components still working! That impresses me a lot, it's very easy to see when something is very well constructed.
Finally, I bring you a photo of my bedroom. Actually is one of the places where I don't spend too much time. I think just for sleep hahaha.
The idea of the discos was of my stepmother, she's so creative and has a really good eye for these things. After this: What's going to pass with all the marks that I'm waiting for? Wait for me for the ext week bye-bye.
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