Chaaaan chaaan chaaan... Heeeello every one! I know you know it. I know you want it so... Let's start. This week was the week. The week which decides a lot of things in my life. About the exam of module 3(Electricity), I have the feeling that I passed it. I can't have any kind of reproach or complain because having studied it in just 3 days, the result (in my opinion) was quite good. This was my third attempt and I was very very scared because if I failed it I will wait for one year to try it again. Yes, one year. considering that my objective and dream are to pass clean. Directly failing the exam it couldn't be possible. But as I said I have good feelings so, at the moment there's nothing more to do. With the other one, module 7, was a completely different situation. You must consider that an exam made of a thousand pages, it's impossible to memorize everything. My question was in which manner they will ask us and about what... I don't know you but in my case I not sure about the number of times that I supposed something and finally I was wrong. that's the hardest thing for me. When I'm reading and reading many many pages, it is given the situation when in some moments, I see some info that could me as a question in the exam. Well, this situation occurs me a loooooot. It's horrible, cause sometimes I 'm having in account a lot of data because I consider it's necessary but at the same time I'm trying to resume as much as possible. And both are not compatible. Any way the die is also cast hahaha. Two months of pure study, two months dealing with my private life that wasn't quite or easy or just normal, two months also dealing with my personal problems... to bet everything in two options. It's funny to think about both sides of the coin. One is the level of study, sacrifice, and perseverance that I showed to me. Using my studies as scape is one of the clearest things I've ever done. And the other side of the coin will be the notes. Passed or not the exams I'm glad to know that I did the best, I've superated me and that's such a big prize. And of course, if I passed them, I will be the happiest person in the world. Will I pass the exams? Wait for the next week!
Nice to meet you! Come on and follow me in my steps to one day be a technician in aircraft maintenence. Trust me, you will love it as much as I.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
They are here!
For sure when I say in the title "They are here" I'm not talking about the person of the photo(me) hahaha. So, another week we are together to discover the adventures and circumstances that kick my live day a day. As you read in the title, they are here. Ho? obviously the exams. I'm in the last week before them and I started to see that there's not enough time. At the moment I've been studying module 7 for one and a half months. It's true that I spent my time in such a different way. I decided to reorganize myself to calculate how much time I have for the rest of the books that I didn't start. Time is running so fast. Trust me if I tell you that I'm spending between four and five hours every day and some others I profit the full day studying over 8 hours. I started feeling that I need a little break. Some days to disconnect my mind cause these days, I'm hitting her a lot hahaha. And talking about disconnect this week, like the past one, we had one day less. Oh my God, what a pleasure. Wake up on Monday at any hour, with no obligation of having to do a fast shower in the cold morning and without the duty to go out to the street at seven o'clock with 10 degrees Celsius scratching your face... like it was the sweet of your dreams hahaha. Changing the subject of the post, you can see a book over the left-wing of our pipper. This book is the AMM(Aircraft Maintenance Manual). This week we did an interesting practice. It was base, with the plane "jacked", in the servicing of the shock absorber.
My team during the practice was made of Clar, Jovany, and Xisco. It was quite simple to do. Just follow a few steps, learn some new info about linning the landing gear after a maintenance task or how to check the life of the shoes of the break (I know that it isn't part of the shock absorber hahaha) and many situations that take you to learn little things that make the difference. And that's all for this week, let me know how it's going your's and see you next bye byeee!

Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Heeeey! One more time I'm here to tell you something new about my week. Finally, after a medium period, I had a bearable week. That's because this week we only had four days of class hahaha. Trust me, one day less, for me it's a huge gift. But that's not the better think of the week, the better one was beeing in the hangar of Globalia at the airport. It was very interesting because all the matter done in class related to the systems of the airplane could be seen "in situ". It's very nice to be in front of an engine and be able to understand and recognize most of the parts. We had lucky because was an Airbus A330 and I'm a big fan of Airbus and big planes. Also, we were inside the equipment bay. That place is horrible hahaha, you only see computers and wires or bundles. How it's possible to recognize that quantity of hardware? Seriously, I can't explain all the bundles going in all directions. Another nice thing that passed that day, was to see for the first time the new airplane of the school. In the past, the airplane suffered an accident due to a failure in the nose landing gear. In consequence, the well and the propellers were affected but all the systems work so it doesn't matter. On the other hand, the exams are in two weeks. I still serene. I know that I'm doing as much as possible and always trying to ensure all the info of the books. I never imagined myself studying many many hours and studying this volume of matter. This taught me that, if you want, you will succeed or almost you will know that it isn´t your place and sometimes it is more important that succeed. by the way, it´s not my situation hahaha. Let's see if the next week I sill still serene. See you soon!
What's going up guys and ladies? I'm back again to tell you about my last week, just to change a little bit the role of the last posts hahaha. Prank apart, the last week was quite entertaining. We've been disassembling and reassembling a turbocharger. That practice taught me a lot. From technics related to the organisation and cleanliness referred to the place where we (my partner Jovany and I) were working, passing per the ability that we need to acquire to finalize the practice as good as possible and learning how to follow the manuals at the same time that we were solving setbacks that were happing on the way. In addition, I must recognize the work done by Jovany and the patience he has. In my opinion, the couple that we were, was very balanced. It's a luxury to work in a couple or in a group having a good relationship with the others. So from my blog, thank you Jovany. Apart from the FP( Professional Formation in Spanish), I can just tell you how was my study.
As you can see in the photo, it isn't important where but always seated in front of a book. I started two weeks ago and are left 1 month and a little bit more for the module 7 exam. It makes me some pressure. I'm studying between four and five hours per day, including the weekend and even though I'm dedicating a lot of time, the idea of don't have enough time... What can I tell you? It kills me hahaha. Considering of course that I need to reserve at least three or four days for the other exam. I don't know which technics do you use to stay mentally strong. In other words: How do you "stay at the foot of the canyon"? (in Spanish it means: don't surrender, be always up). In my case it's quite simple, I use my studies as a scape. Yes, that's one of my better tricks. One day I realize my self that the curse, could be in two manners. The first one is to consider that it's everything a heaviness, or on the other way, using it to scape. Like some people go cycling or jogging, you can use your studies as a tool to "clear" your mind. And trust me, it's a better option. So, finally, what's waiting for me the next week? I don't know but stay close to know it the next one!
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Booring week
Heeeello friends! How was your week again?
In my case I'm so so sorry but, today I don't have anything, anything minimally interesting to talk about...
So I decided to talk about the way I study and some tips or tricks that I use and I think they could be good for you.
Well as I said the last week, I'm preparing my self for two exams. One of them (Module 7) has 1302 pages. And I have one and a half months to prepare it in addition to the other exam that has another 450. Resting about 300 pages of module 7 that aren't important(more or less) and resting about 100 in the other, you think, how it's possible to prepare myself?
I'm going to talk about the module 7 because the other I didn't start. module 7 is a huge exam with a lot of different matters. One day you are reading something of soldering, the next the about the storage of aircraft, the other about wires and bundles, the other of riveting and so with many more matters. In the first moment, it was quite difficult for me cause I needed to organize all the books and I decided to start with the big ones and continue with the little. They are all enumerated but as a result of the disparity of the matter, I prefer to do in this manner. The first thing I do is read EVERYTHING. Yes and I consider that is the best trick I can give you. Last year I realize that read everything was a very very big tool. Not only to study also to learn English. I use a pencil rubber and that's all that I need to start with the study. It's important to take notes, translate the words that you don't know and underline the most important terms. That's what I mean when I say that I read all the pages. Once it's done you will have a big idea about everything in the book. obviously or almost in my case, its not enough to be prepared for an exam hahaha. TRICK (never never never pass a page with something that you didn't understand) The second step its to pass the underlined things and the notes to a paper apart. I always try to do
my own notes out of the book. Writing helps me a lot because I
must to revise what I underlined the day before or the last our in addition to escribe them in a new paper. As I always say, that's
the second pillar of my study. When you have a general vision of the matter, then comes the time to "cement" the vision or the idea and always trying to memorize all the info. Once it is read and wrote, comes the third step. This one I adopted during the last curse. It is to revise the notes obviously studying. I denote last year that I was studying my notes like the notes were perfect with no errors. In other words, some notes that I did were wrong. So I started to revise as the time that I was reviewing those notes. This trick its so important to me nowadays because is a new way of study conscientiously. Many times I found errors while I'm reading the notes and I stop and search for the good notes. That helps me one more time to refresh and memorize the matter. And that's the way that I study, tell me whats yours and see you next week!
In my case I'm so so sorry but, today I don't have anything, anything minimally interesting to talk about...
So I decided to talk about the way I study and some tips or tricks that I use and I think they could be good for you.
Well as I said the last week, I'm preparing my self for two exams. One of them (Module 7) has 1302 pages. And I have one and a half months to prepare it in addition to the other exam that has another 450. Resting about 300 pages of module 7 that aren't important(more or less) and resting about 100 in the other, you think, how it's possible to prepare myself?
I'm going to talk about the module 7 because the other I didn't start. module 7 is a huge exam with a lot of different matters. One day you are reading something of soldering, the next the about the storage of aircraft, the other about wires and bundles, the other of riveting and so with many more matters. In the first moment, it was quite difficult for me cause I needed to organize all the books and I decided to start with the big ones and continue with the little. They are all enumerated but as a result of the disparity of the matter, I prefer to do in this manner. The first thing I do is read EVERYTHING. Yes and I consider that is the best trick I can give you. Last year I realize that read everything was a very very big tool. Not only to study also to learn English. I use a pencil rubber and that's all that I need to start with the study. It's important to take notes, translate the words that you don't know and underline the most important terms. That's what I mean when I say that I read all the pages. Once it's done you will have a big idea about everything in the book. obviously or almost in my case, its not enough to be prepared for an exam hahaha. TRICK (never never never pass a page with something that you didn't understand) The second step its to pass the underlined things and the notes to a paper apart. I always try to do

must to revise what I underlined the day before or the last our in addition to escribe them in a new paper. As I always say, that's
the second pillar of my study. When you have a general vision of the matter, then comes the time to "cement" the vision or the idea and always trying to memorize all the info. Once it is read and wrote, comes the third step. This one I adopted during the last curse. It is to revise the notes obviously studying. I denote last year that I was studying my notes like the notes were perfect with no errors. In other words, some notes that I did were wrong. So I started to revise as the time that I was reviewing those notes. This trick its so important to me nowadays because is a new way of study conscientiously. Many times I found errors while I'm reading the notes and I stop and search for the good notes. That helps me one more time to refresh and memorize the matter. And that's the way that I study, tell me whats yours and see you next week!
That practice !
New good week guys! How was your last week? I hope brilliant as always! Most of you are thinking about the photo on the left, I now. But first, let me explain a little bit about my week and then I will tell you all about the picture.
So let's start:
in just a few words all my week was based in the library. As my mother sais: "Alvaro please come back home I miss you" hahaha. Prank apart trust me, my life suffered a big change, I live per and for the modules. Last year I succeed with my objective (beeing in the secondary curse the next year). But on the other side of the coin, this year I started very very very busy. I never imagine this. Two big exams that are module 7 (workshop practices) and module 3 (electricity) collide in the same week. Both exams are very extensive and after a little planning, I realized my self that the time nowadays is more than gold. On the other hand, I had an uncomfortable practice. Yes, as you can imagine, the photo is from that practice hahaha. Let me explain:
that practice must be easier but, our little and old Turbocommander is in a bad situation and conservation. Translated it means that when a work to do can be done in one hour, now it's going to be done in two-three or more. Having said that, sume that the airplane isn't big or almost a medium size airplane. So many of the practice must be done in some kind of uncomfortable position. The result then is the photo that you see hahaha. Finally, the practice was done as good as possible and the Combustion Chamber resides "perfectly" in place. What's waiting for me for the next week? I can't know it but stay there for the next week and you will know it! See you!
So let's start:
in just a few words all my week was based in the library. As my mother sais: "Alvaro please come back home I miss you" hahaha. Prank apart trust me, my life suffered a big change, I live per and for the modules. Last year I succeed with my objective (beeing in the secondary curse the next year). But on the other side of the coin, this year I started very very very busy. I never imagine this. Two big exams that are module 7 (workshop practices) and module 3 (electricity) collide in the same week. Both exams are very extensive and after a little planning, I realized my self that the time nowadays is more than gold. On the other hand, I had an uncomfortable practice. Yes, as you can imagine, the photo is from that practice hahaha. Let me explain:
that practice must be easier but, our little and old Turbocommander is in a bad situation and conservation. Translated it means that when a work to do can be done in one hour, now it's going to be done in two-three or more. Having said that, sume that the airplane isn't big or almost a medium size airplane. So many of the practice must be done in some kind of uncomfortable position. The result then is the photo that you see hahaha. Finally, the practice was done as good as possible and the Combustion Chamber resides "perfectly" in place. What's waiting for me for the next week? I can't know it but stay there for the next week and you will know it! See you!
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