The last classes of English we saw three awesome films. They talked about racial discrimination with the objective of raise awareness about the problem that racial discrimination involve. In the next lines, I'm going to briefly explain in which manner they try to open our eyes.
The first film that we watched was BlacKkKlansman. I didn't know. About the existence of this film and I can say that is a very very amazing film. I suppose that you all know about the war of the Ku Klux Klan that was entirely focus on killing or disturbing or damaging black people. That's what this film represents. A black man that enters in the police of his town to fight the racism. As you can imagine it was a rare situation for the rest of the white polices. Even though he fought one more time for its people. And of course, demonstrating that black people is exactly the same as the white.
The next film that we saw was Invictus. What an amazing film. I saw it earlier than in class but this film is one of them that you want to see again.
Invictus talks about a fantastic rugby team made of black people. In South Africa, rugby was a sport only for white people for a very long time. But in that time also was the first time that in that place a black person became president, he was Nelson Mandela. He fought very strong for the rights of the black people and more importantly, he fought for the equality of all the people.
And the last film that we watched was Hidden Figures. If I must to choose one favourite film I can say for sure that this film it's my favourite one.
This film talks about a super team formed by black women that are enormously intelligent. This team collaborated to send the man to the moon. Of course, is biased in a real story and is one more example of the same conditions and capabilities that the black race has as the white one. This film is a perfect way to show one more time that everyone is the same. Of course, I'm a super fan of this black women team. they fought days a day to demonstrate it's power, it's enormous power.
And that's all guys I hope that you all enjoyed this new post and I wish that you all think the same as me and these films. No more racial discrimination, no more Xenophobia. Regaaaards.
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HELLO Alvaro I’m....... and I want to say/ask........