Sunday, February 24, 2019

The end of A380 ?

Year 2021, what's the first thing that you think about when I say the year 2021? Probably most of you are sad right now, like me. A few days ago, Airbus announced the end of the fabrication of the world biggest passenger airplane. Yes the A380, in that year, will be out of production. For any person related to the aeronautic world and for any person that like airplanes is a very sour knew. The reason? Emirates, the first and principal customer of this majestic airplane cancels around 39 A380 orders. The Airbus CEO Sr. Tom Enders declared the cancelation after the desition of Emirates. Obviously, Emirates is not the only guilty of this situation hahaha. Like Emirates, Air France, and Qatar take this desition. Nowadays, competence in the air is a very strong battle not fightable for everyone. All the companies, like in other sectors must fight day by day with the rest to take a little bit in the market, and a little bit that costs thousands of millions. And one guilty of this costs is this A380, an awesome and big airplane and as big as it's production price, take sit, 360 millions of euros. Airbus, of course, it's making numbers as all the companies, and a few days ago, Airbus arrived at the conclusion that continues producing the A380 with the new cancelations, is not a profitable desition. But the question that has everyone reading this post is:
It's the end of the Airbus A380?
Please, let me ask you to don't doubt at any moment that the Airbus  A380 isn't going to die. If anyone has thought about it, please leave my blog hahaha. 
It's important to understand that in the 2021 Airbus is not going to produce more but, with 234 Airbus A380 flying, we are going to have A380 for many years. Of course, we are in luck. In my opinion, the king of the sky is going to govern for many years letting a legacy very very strong with millions of fans like me, wondering to fly, work or whatever, with him, the A380.  

Sunday, February 3, 2019

I wish...

Hello people! How was your January? Today we must talk about an important topic, that is: "How would you like to be taught?" You know that everyone must adapt itself to a system in every country and you don't have the chance to do the same course in other ways. In my class, the teacher asked us which way will be our favorite. It's important to recognize that not everyone is capable to adjust its intelligence or its capabilities aren't the good ones to pass the implanted system. And today we have the possibility to express our wish. 
So let's start!
Well in my case I'm a very restless person, that means many things, one of them its that I need to be in movement as maximum as possible. Why? I don't really know it, I suppose that it's one of my living conditions. For me, it's very helpful to be taught at the same time that I'm running with the same thing that the teacher is telling me.  Situations like my job, I've been taught at the same time that I was practicing and that's a very useful way cause I am more capable to learn. Another reason to be taught like this it's because seated it's very very boring, for me it's like a sleeping pill, trust me. I'm a very very active person and for me, it's very hard to be 4 hours seated only listening to the teacher, or seeing videos or whatever. I would know if you think the same or I'm the rare insect hahaha.
Of course, another point to talk about it's the material used. That means a lot, is not the same to be taught only using a book or just a power point, in front of being taught with a real and modern aircraft or using ludic activities that make of the curse a better and easier one. In my point of view, the practice does the master, and this way permit to settle much better all the knowledge acquired every day and of course to relate what you read or hear of the teacher with the practice done in that airplane or in that ludic activities. Of course, I'm talking about a utopian course but, if it was possible I'm convinced that it will be the best way to be taught.