Monday, October 8, 2018

One day in class.

Resultado de imagen de mecanico de avion
                  Hello everyone, nice to meet you again. Probably most of you want to know how is a day in our curse and now you're going to know it.
First of all, before doing the classes we need our uniform that it's made of: a navy blue short sleeved t-shirt, a navy fleece jacket, blue long trousers, and our safety shoes. All this pack costs about €110 I think it is a normal price, could be worst hahaha. Of course, if you want more pieces you must pay them. After the uniform you will need the books, for us is "Modules" but do not panic, the center, in this case, Globalia Formation Center, will provide you with them. With books and uniform, we're ready to know how it's one of our days.
To start we need to separate the explanation because we have two study centers, first one and most important it's Globalia Formation Center and the second one it's Son Pacs Institute also very important. We go every Monday to Son Pacs and the rest of the week we go to Globalia.
Now I'm going to explain one day in Son Pacs:
We start at 8 o'clock that makes us very happy for two reasons, most of the colleagues are from Palma and we live there and the second reason it's because we can sleep a little bit more. At 8 we start with Technic English with Catherine our teacher. We only do the first two hours. Then we continue one hour with Joan Llabres, he teaches us materials, for me a very interesting but at the same time very very dense. After the first our we have a break of 20 minutes to take coffee o whatever. Then we do two more hours with Joan. After he comes, the last subject in the day that is Digital Technics also very interesting and we do it with Sr Pons. That's a Monday in Son Pacs, now I'm going to explain you a day in Globalia.
From Tuesday to Friday we must go to Llucmajor. It's more or less 20 minutes far from Palma. We start the day at half past seven, that kills me. In our first three hours, we go to the workshop and we usually put in practice the subject done the day before. Hopeful we have every hour or two hours 5 minutes break to breath or take a cigarette in the case or whatever. After this three hours, it's our big break of 20 minutes to have coffee and a sandwich. We usually go to a cantine that is very near only 4 minutes by foot ace where goes everyone who wants to go not only our class. Globalia to clarify it's a complex of buildings that contains our Formation Center but also offices to work and other formation centers. Globalia it's a multinational. So after the "big break", we continue with for hours with only one subject and only one teacher... That kills me again, you can trust me hahaha. But we're in luck because our teacher Helena that teach us pure Electricity it's very good teaching and treating us. To finish we will end our day at quarter past three. Very tired of course. Finally comes the module exams they are at 3pm each one and to have the license you must pass all the modules with 7.5 percent or more. It's very very very hard. One advice: if you're lazy don't come it's not your course because only one exam can contain question from 500 pages easy and of course more and less. So that's what I can tell you. See you next time!

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Resume of 747-400 overhaul and interesting info.

Resultado de imagen de 747 british airways hangarLast Monday we watched a video showing a magnificent overhaul of a Boeing 747-400. Now I'm going to show you some info that makes of this overhaul an amazing milestone.
First of all, that job it's done by a team of 200 incredible people. That team must doit every 6 years. The milestone is a sum of 30000 hours of pure and stressful hard work, a work in a machine of 200 million. They check 20000 different parts in a set of 12000 jobs. In those jobs, they checked also 6 million components.
Every 747-400 it's made with the enormous figure of 172000 miles of wire, yes 172000 miles. That airplane has a weight of 180 tons that stands on three landing gears and each one of them cost 300000$ and hold in total 18 wheels. To do the overhaul they must stand all the tons 20 feet above the ground. This model has 12 scape chutes that inflate in only 3 seconds, amazing cause they make 30 meters. To replace one of them the team needs over 6 hours. Another hard task is to remove the panels. For example, only the "down panels" are 300 and the "side panels" 140. All the 747 hold 4 enormous engines that each one cost 8 millions and give a total horsepower of 120000hp. That horsepower gives a total thrust of 60 thousand pounds. In air, at the cruising time the airplane will fly at 910 km/h it's very very fast. To feed the engines the 747 accounts with fuel tanks. The biggest one can contain 65 thousand liters in 6 compartments, imagine the rest. Autonomy is such high, this condition permit to this model fly over 14 hours and if the airplane has 300 passengers it will need one tone of food and drink and also will load over 50000 products to the costumers. Another interesting part is the two black boxes. It's funny because they originally are orange and red. One of them copies all the data information and the other one copy all the radio voices. They are so well built that can resist 1000 degrees for half hour.
The dimensions are spectacular, the wingspan its the same as a football pitch.
One of my favorite curiosities it's that every airplane also the 747 it's stricken by a lightning one time per year, for me, it's a lot. Also, it's more common the strikes of birds and hail and is very dangerous, they can shoot down them. Inside the airplane, the crew has its own relaxing place but they only use it 3 hours per trip.
A part of the overhaul every airplane will have to pass a little check every year, as you can see it´s very safe.
Finally, I want to tell you some prices that will do a little pain hahaha.
A second-hand engine costs 1.2 million, only a second-hand airplane coffee machine will cost you 3000$. An old toilet boul 500$ and for examole a windshield 30000$.
And that's all for today I hope you liked this post and see you next week.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Airplane parts and questions.

  1.                What are the names of the parts of the airplane pictured above?

1.             A: Vertical Stabilizer
2.            B:  Rudder
3.            C:  Elevator
4.            D:  Horizontal Stabilizer
5.            E:  Flaps
6.            F:  Aileron
7.            G:  Wing
8.            H:  Engine
9.            I:   Fuselage
10.          J:  Slats
2.            Describe the following aircraft motions.
1.             Pitch:  Up and down movement of the plane
2.            Roll:   The rotation movement of the wing
3.            Yaw:   The side to side movement of the nose
4.            Loop:  A complete roll movement
5.            Dive:   Decrease the inclination of the nose
6.                   Climb:   To go up
7.            Lift:  A force to push the airplane in the air

3.         What are the functions of the parts of the airplane pictured above?
1.             A:  Control the swinging from side to side
2.            B:  Directs the tail left or right changes yaw movement
3.            C:  It controls the pitch
4.            D:  Controls the pitch
5.             E:  Controls lift and drag
6.             F: Used to roll the wings from side to side
7.            G:  Flat surface to generate lift
8.            H:  Generate thrust
9.            I:  Holds every part of the airplane together
10.          J:  Increase the lift

4.         Which parts are used to control lift at low speed for takeoff and landing?
                      The parts used to are slats, flaps, and spoilers. 
5.         Which parts, installed one to each wing, operate in opposite directions (i.e., one up and one down)?
                      That part is the aileron.
6.         If the part in Problem 4 on the right wing is up and the one on the left wing is down, what will the airplane do?
                      The airplane will roll as the clock, turn or roll right.
7.         If the pilot lowers the elevator, what will the airplane's tail do?
                      The tail if you lower the elevator will go up.
8.         What will this in turn cause the airplane's nose to do?
                      In the same case, the nose will go down.
9.         If the pilot moves the rudder to the left, what will the airplane's tail do?
                      The airplane will roll to the left as well.
10.       What will this in turn cause the airplane's nose to do?
                      The airplane will go to the left in the same case.
11.       What motion will occur in an airplane with the elevator deflected up and the rudder deflected to the right?
                      The airplane will go up and right at the same time.
           12.         What is a spoiler? 
             A spoiler controls the flow of the airplane from side to side.